Saturday 20 February 2010

Cersetoare virtuale si care au mintit si inselat pe cei/cele care le-au ajutat

Buna ziua ! Pe un forum asemanator acestuia sunt administratora unui topic unde incercam sa ajutam persoane mai fara noroc decat noi si ne-am confruntat cu diverse individe care ne-au cerut ajutorul si ne-au inselat asdteptarile vanzand ce au primit sau pur si simplu batandu-si joc de ce le-a fost donat !Impreuna cu colega mea,DanielaC, ne-am propus sa curatam netul de astfel de fiinte si trimitem informatiile noastre tuturor ! Numele meu e LauraNicole si forumul unde ma ocup cu ajutoarele este DespreCopii .Nu fac reclama ci doar vreau sa scriu peste tot numele celor care nu fac decat sa cerseasca si sa insele :

Lista neagra(in dreptul fiecarei persoane vor fi postate dovezi) :(persoanele care ne-au inselat in trecut sau asupra carora planeaza indoiala)

1) dumitruanca/cormoran/DeliaD/ionelradu/deaturi22/dumitrachefloricacatalina , :
se ocupa cu traficul de lucruri pentru copii si in acelasi timp cere sau ofera "ajutor" incercand sa-si racoleze noi clienti,de asemenea a fololosit un limbaj mai mult decat indecent.

"buna fetelor voi nu aveti alceva de discutati decat sa barfiti pe toata lumea.mai lasatine in pace pe fiecare.daca vreti sa credeti de unde am hainutele daca nu trebuie sa va dau eu explicati la nimenea ca nu am bagat mana in buzunarul o singura data daca mai imi vad ca va folositi de numele meu si id meu va dau in judecata si o sa-mi platiti daune morale de o sa va saturati sa mai barfiti.MAI LASATI BARFA SI MAI BINE AJUTATI UN OM AMARAT."
"in primul rand sa va lamuresc pe toate.toate hainutele care le vand au fost afetei mele lea adus fratele meu din strainatate si as vrea sa va uitati pe photobuchet sa imi spuneti daca va vedeti vro hainuta de la voi fetele ,nu as dori nimeni sa fie in situatia mea sa traiasca dintr-un salariu de stiti ca am si donat hainute de noi nascuti la multe mamici ,asa ca nu am luat nici un lucru de la nimeni ca sa vand,eu daca am cerut am vrut sa ajut o familie cu multi copii si acum am cerut pentru fetita mea,eu in locul vostru nu m-as lua dupa gurile rele care vad ca vand hainutele la preturi mici si le-am luat lor painea,eu sunt de parere sa iau si eu un ban si nici cea care cumpara sa nu dea o gramada de bani ca poate nici ele nu au ca alfel putea sa le ia din magazine.asa ca daca vreti sa ma intelegeti bine daca nu revedere si numai bine"


"Draga Laura Nicolae!Stiu ca am avut discutii{in trecut} Dar a trecut ceva vreme...Ma faci sa cred ca intradevar te reprezinta "dusa cu patratelul"..Ce ai mai fata?De ce trebuie sa fii tu mereu in spatele unor discutii ale mele?chiar iti place sa intri in polemica cu mine?Nu ai loc sa ajuti pe cei in nevoie, de MINE???OK...iti fac loc....BAFTA! Ai zis bine:"Mai bine te uiti la ciobul din ochii tai pana sa vezi paiul din ochiul meu" dar practica te omora!"


4)mariutza_mea :(discutie despre ddeiutz si mariutza_mea aici: )
mariutza_mea: pe Ramona o puteti gasi pe mai multe forumuri, are doua fete, Maria si Daria, acum are un nou ID de forumuri, maria_daria, iar ID-ul de YM este gazutza29. Indiferent de situatia ei materiala, adevarata sau nu, cert este ca, pe unde a trecut, a starnit polemici.
Cateva linkuri:
Si cateva cu maria_daria
Si cu gazutza29
Discutie despre ddeiutzz si mariutza_mea, aici:


"detalii nu doresc sa dau despre situatia mea si nici nu doresc sa povestesc intamplari." (Citeste regulile acestui topic!)
Copie dupa unul din PM -urile primite (din respect pentru persoana respectiva nu-i voi spune numele):"Buna Laura,
Scuze ca dau buzna peste tine, dar am mare nevoie de un sfat.Este vorba de un membru al forumului, mmihai3, care tocmai a postat de curand la rubrica de ajutor pr bebei, cerand lucrusoare pt copilul lui de o luna.Eu am primit un mesaj privat direct de la el, cam in aceeasi perioada cand a postat si pe forum. Probabil a vazut ca activez la mamici si de aceea m-a abordat. M-a rugat daca il pot ajuta cu un carucior. I-am spus ca bebele meu are doar 9 luni si ca inca avem nevoie de caruciorul nostru, dar ca l-as putea ajuta cu diverse lucrusoare pt bebe. Chiar m-am agitat si am dat email la mai multe cunostinte care s-au oferit sa imi dea diverse hainute si accesorii, ca apoi eu sa fac un pachet si sa i-l trimit. taticul mi-a dat si adresa completa si nr de telefon...Azi, nu am ce face si intru un pic pe google si dau un search dupa numele complet si localitate. Gasesc intai o declaratie de avere a unui domn cu acelasi lucreaza undeva la evidenta po****tiei...citesc mai atent si surpriza...adresa este identica cu a lui!!! deci si numele si adresa sunt aceleasi. in declaratie apare si sotia cu un venit de vreo 1700 ron/luna....apoi, gasesc un articol in care persoana in cauza (mi-am dat seama pt ca numele era acelasi si lucrat tot la evidenta po****tiei) apare ca acuzatin caz de luare de mita pentru inlesnirea de obtinere de buletine in regim de urgenta...asta parca anul trecut!si acum sunt intr-o mare dilema: omul are casa, sotia are venit...el nu o mai avea serviciu, ca deh, l-o fi pierdut in urma procesului de luare de eu nu stiu ce sa mai fac, sa le trimit totusi toate cele sau mai bine le dau unui om intr-adevar amarat??? inca ceva: am cautat pe google si dupa numarul de mobil furnizat de el si apare pe un forum, cu un alt nick-name, facand cuiva o oferta de a cumpara un fier de calcat cu 135 lei! deci, nu e chiar amarat...tu ce zici?te rog sa nu postezi nimic despre el pe forum, eventual, daca poti insista sa dea mai multe detalii despre starea lui materiala, ar fi super... tu ce zici? ca mie nu a vrut sa imi spuna decat ca are o situatie materiala precara!si daca nu da detalii, poate imi spui tu cine ar avea nevoie de hainute de bebe, am o cutie as vrea sa ajut pe cineva."
L-am rugat eu personal(LauraNicole) sa-mi scrie email sau PM cu detaliile si a refuzat .Pe alt forum , de asemenea,dorea sa cumpere fier de calcat in valoare de 135 roni iar cel care-si permite sa cumpere ceva la acest pret isi permite sa cumpere si la copil !



:limbajul folosit si mesajele dusmanoase :

8)Malta :malta/tenorov: s-a prezentat a fi o invatatoare de la tara, pe numele ei Altam Aurica, mare iubitoare de copii si dedicata trup si suflet intrajutorarii copiilor sarmani. A solicitat ajutoare pentru vecina ei, Rangu Adela, casatorita cu Rangu Constantin, mama a unui baietel pe nume Antonio. De asemenea, pentru un tatic singur, cu un baietel pe nume Alex. Si cine stie pentru mai cine... De fapt, familia Rangu sunt parintii ei, ai maltei, Antonio nu se stie cine este, poate chiar baietelul maltei, pe numele lui Vicentiu. personala coincide cu cea a "taticului" singur. aici se vede clar un adresa de mail a adelei ca e aceeasi pers. cu tatal lui Alex
Fragment din mesaj primit :"aici am gasit-o ca mare donatoare ...e poz. 3 la donatori ...iar in alt forum am gasit-o cu cerea carti ptr. copii de la ea din scoala,si stupoare ...uitatee de unde e si ce adresa da " aici e un mesaj unde saracuta Malta cerea si ea ceva ptr. ea si au sarit relele de ia-u luat de la gura
spe ca asta e tel. ei ...astept sa culc copii si p'orma ma pregatesc cu'n scenariuL: Biblioteca scolara Contesti/ 1960/ 50 volume/ 250 cititori (sat Contesti, Jud. Iasi, Com. Valea Seaca, Altam Aurica – 0232.715.683, 0232.742.724) – DONATIE EFECTUATA
L: uite aici la poz .564 si 565 ...ce draq de coincidenta si cum lenea e mare a scris la domnu ca are 73 aniL: parca avea 30 am primit nimic de la primaria aia din Heci ...banuiesc ca se stiu intre ei si poate numele d.lui e cunoscut ,poate e un cordaci de'al ei
Adresa personala coincide cu cea a "taticului" singur. Aici se vede clar, din adresa de mail a Adelei, ca e aceeasi persoana cu tatal lui Alex
Fragment din mesaj primit:
"aici am gasit-o ca mare donatoare ...e poz. 3 la donatori ...iar in alt forum am gasit-o cu cerea carti ptr. copii de la ea din scoala,si stupoare ...uitatee de unde e si ce adresa da " aici e un mesaj unde saracuta Malta cerea si ea ceva ptr. ea si au sarit relele de ia-u luat de la gura
spe ca asta e tel. ei ...astept sa culc copii si p'orma ma pregatesc cu'n scenariuL: Biblioteca scolara Contesti/ 1960/ 50 volume/ 250 cititori (sat Contesti, Jud. Iasi, Com. Valea Seaca, Altam Aurica – 0232.715.683, 0232.742.724) – DONATIE EFECTUATA
L: uite aici la poz .564 si 565 ...ce draq de coincidenta si cum lenea e mare a scris la domnu ca are 73 aniSAMOILA DANIEL: parca avea 30 am primit nimic de la primaria aia din Heci ...banuiesc ca se stiu intre ei si poate numele d.lui e cunoscut ,poate e un cordaci de'al ei

9)mioarabraila: mioarabraila/ciocolatzica/araiom/miomada/madamiobrbr

L: asa ...deci am verificat-o dupa adresa de mail si anunturi ...a facut greseala sa dea pe unul 2 adrese de mailL: si la a doua adresa de mail apar aceste poze nicky nicole: vorbesti de cryss?: daL:
L: CommentAuthorcryss26bucCommentTimeJun 21st 2009 as avea nevoie de cd pt playstation 2 daca are cineva in special mario
L: CommentAuthorcryss26bucCommentTimeMay 10th 2009 editat caut cazare la particulari sau pensiuni pentru 2 camere cu baie proprie aragaz,frigider si televizor camere duble 1 pt 2 pers cu copil mic 1 an deci cer conditii decente fara mucegai sau igrasie sa fie aproape de plaja in luna iulie ofer max 70 ron camera cam 3-5 nopti ...multumesc. contact pe mail. nicky nicole: dapnicky nicole: p-asta am gasit-o si noi: hai ca asta-i cel mai tare post trebui sa-l dai si la voiL: CommentAuthorcryss26bucCommentTimeFeb 27th 2009 Daca are cineva o masina nu conteaza marca doar sa mearga pt o persoana dependenta de masina nu de fitze ci e necesitate . CommentAuthoranutzaCommentTimeMar 1st 2009 sinecer si eu as vrea o masina in aceleasi conditii CommentAuthorcryss26bucCommentTimeMar 1st 2009 da dar eu trebuie sa fac naveta si imi este cumplit pe axi vin de la 45 km de buc ...nasol crede ma CommentAuthoranutzaCommentTimeMar 3rd 2009 atunci bafta poate are cineva si te poate ajuta eu nu am nici piese macar L: cryss26bucCommentTimeFeb 5th 2009 Va rog frumos daca are cineva un monitor lcd imi trebuie neaparat ca mi s a stricat moitorul si din pacate unul crt nu imi incape am spatiu ff putin va rog muuult poate fi si uzat dar sa se vada la el multumesccccccccc mult CommentAuthoreminem_alynCommentTimeFeb 13th 2009 tu sti cat costaa??!! L: PROCESOR AMD BARTON 2500+ COOLER CUPRUMEMORIE 1024 mb DDR1PLACA VIDEO NVIDIA MX4000 8X 128MB TV OUT AGPPLACA SUNET 5+1DVD RW LGCARCASA ATX BLACKMONITOR DELL 17 HDD 2BUC MAXTOR 20GB SI WD 40 GBTASTATURAMOUSESCHIMB CU LAPTOP NU FOARTE PERFORMANT DAR IN STARE BUNA SAU IL VAND 800 RON
buna tuturor v am descoperit de curand saitul si este ff util iubitorilor de animale noi suntem o familie tanara care iubim enorm rasa shar pei dar din pacate costa mult prea mult pt bugetul nostru unul avem o fetita de 1 an si 3 luni care este si ea iubiotoare de ham ham as vrea sa i iau acest tip de caine deoarece este o rasa linistita si foarte independeta ca noi de altfel promitem sa l vaccinam,sa l spalam,sa l iubim si sa l facem parte din familia noastra singura conditie este sa fie puiut adica max 6 luni pt a se putea obisnuii cu printesa mea va multumim mult daca sunt doritori asteptam un mail la sau va multumim si asteptam
Familie tanara cu copil cautam sa administram o casa,vila,pensiune la munte mentionam ca avem casa dar fata noastra are nevoie de aer curat si acesta este motivul pentru care cautam asa ceva...suntem intelectuali care au pornit de jos stim sa dam cu sapa,sa ingrijim o curte,sa spalam si suntem foarte comunicativi si sociabili sotul meu -programator it se poate ocupa de publicitate pe net pentru a aduce clientieu bugetara speram sa gasim ceea ce cautam va multumim pt contact
L: Apartamente 2 camere ~ Bucuresti, Obor
Pret: 75000 EUR
Confort 1 decomandat
Alte informatii: nemobilat, acces mixt, vedere mixta, interior curat, imobil in stare buna, contor apa, contor gaze, usa metalica, interfon, iluminat exterior, geamuri termopan, parchet, gresie, faianta, tapet, vinarom, numar cadastral, carte funciara, rol fiscal, contract vanzare-cumparare, incalzire prin termoficare
Date de contact: 0765401950

11) ionik/mioala/moldoveanu_traian/mionela
za29: despre ionik as vrea sa iti dau cateva linkuri daca nu te superia29: stiu ca sunteti suparatepe mine, dar daca sunteti de acord as vrea sa va ofer macar informatiile pe care le aflu si eua29: ionik este veche pe forum uria29: d eprin 200729: si mai era un site unde era "dezvaluita" toata parada presupusei boli a fetitei ei, investigatii cik in austria, si pana la urma s a dovedit ca mintea si fetele o dadusera la politie si ea a trebuit sa returneze banii primiti dar nu mai stiu exact, ca
Ionik te rog frumos sa imi explici urmatoarea situatie:
"citat din mesajul lui ionikfetelor,am mare nevoie de ceva incaltari mas 33-34 asa ceva de gradi gen espadrile sau asa ceva,si ceva pantaloni mas 122-128 noi acum am iesit din spital,fetitza cea mare a cazut la sanius si un alt copil a lovit-o cu sania si si-a rupt manuta in 3 locuri....acum avem tije metalice pt o gips-ul pt ceva multumesc frumos!!!cred ca din primavara am sa fac si eu "revizia "si ma inscriu si eu cu ce ne ramane mic.,ca sa putem ajuta in egala masura in care suntem ajutati!!!"
"pai mandra mea are 25-26 de kg si cam 124 de cm inaltime"
si atunci cum sa imi explic eu sau cele care s-au oferit sa iti trimita cu infrigurare colet, ca tu ai o multime de haine de firma de vanzare:
http://w w
si ca in albumele cu sute de hainute se gasesc inclusiv pantaloni de marimea ceruta:¤t=101_0045.jpg
si poate si altele dar dupa ce am cautat zeci de minute de ma dor ochii nu am mai avut starea necesara sa descoper si altceva

12)basandicaion/camelia basandica/Antonia/tarancuta
Basandica a vrut sa doneze aici :
Dar i s-a inschis subiectul de catre administratori deoarece este o mincinoasa care pretinde ca e din Corbu dar posteaza cu IP de Bucuresti .

13). Iacob Amalia (sau Sima Amalia)
Alta lista neagra:

Lista pe scurt :
1 ) DumitruAnca/cormoran/DeliaD/ionelradu/deaturi22/dumitrachefloricacatalina

2 )mamy_taty
3 )ddeiutz/mami_pui/deea08/xplodcs_foneata/bebe08/andreutzza
4 )mmihai
5 )adela_r
6 )malta7 )ciocolatzica/araiom/mioarabraila/miomada /madamiobrbr
8 )RAMONA_PRV/larisa_aurelia
9 )Iacob Amalia/Sima Amalia10 )mariutza_mea/gazutza29/daria_maria
11 )cryss26buc/cryssa/rebecris/cryss26
12 )ionik/moldoveanuinela/mioala/ mionela/moldoveanu_traian

A snowing day

Asta i-a fost data ca tema la engleza :sa povesteasca o zi din viata ei ca intr-un jurnal intim :

For 12th of January 2010

My snow diaryI was playing on my laptop and I saw Milan, my friend; he was playing outside in the snow before he went to his guitar lesson. I continued to play on my computer , I made a new story and sent it to my cousin to see if she likes it.It wasn’t so much snow outside…but it was only boring! At 12 o’clock my parents went out for shopping so I was home alone…usually when I am home alone I am going to my parent’s room to watch TV. (They have more cartoons channels). But this time I just lied in bed to continue my story… Milan came back and he asked me if I want to go out and play with him. I said yes and got dressed, called mum to ask her permission to go out (she always let me to do what I want if I do what she is telling me. Usually! ) So I called her and she told me that she is not far away from home, and she told me to wait her. 10 minutes later she was in front of the house, with dad; they were getting the stuffs out from the car, I helped them, and then I went to the backyard to play with Milan. We are trying to make a big, tall snow-man, but all we got now is just a very fat elephant body. Is not even tall enough to can make the head, but we are still trying. And we got the snow onto it but it was still a little tall fat elephant body (everyday is getting a bit taller…), and then I had an idea, to put water on it, so the snow would “glue”. And so I asked Milan to get some water, and I put water on the snow-man’s top, but the only problem was that the snow was like stuck to the ground, like ice, and I couldn’t get more snow, lucky that we didn’t touched the snow from the back of the backyard. And so we got it from there and put it on, but while I went to get the snow, the water was ice so I wanted some more…and our snow-man was getting just a little taller. It was like…like an half of a meter taller. And after we got the snow, we forgot about the snow-man anymore and started to throw snowballs in each other, fighting , then I ran away from Milan, but he was faster and he could throw a big snowball on my face! It was so cold! I laughed and I ran to him but he disappeared so I went in the house to look for him, he was in the living room with his mother who called and asked him to do his homework so I let him there to do it.The next day it was the same, we’ve been out all day long. I was playing with Milan all day. We tried to continue our snow-man. It was a bit taller than it was a day before. I started to get more snow to put on it; then we changed our places, I made the head, and he got the snow. We started to throw again snow balls in each other and finally we’ve made angels in the snow, we went inside and we both had a hot chocolate. The days seem to be shorter now and when I went to bed I had a smile on my face but I was also regretting that we didn’t have more time to play together, outside! Well, tomorrow is another day, right?!

Too close to the light

To close to the light.“1908-A new virus is coming around England and 100 000 people die.1909-The virus continue to torture England but this time is going around the whole world! 1910- The virus is finally crashed and people can now live safety in their homes.” Said Mr. Bones to himself while he was reading an old book about the past.Mr. Bones was an archaeologist from 2 years ago. His wife, Ms. Winston, was a very rich woman. In her childhood she was the most spoiled girl from the school, but also the most popular one. They now have 2 children, Vanessa and Kyle, who were corrupted of adventure and the games were their life.One day, Mr. Bones was going to work when he saw three men working on a ship. It was looking like an old ship that had been in a war, where they’ve lost.-What are u up to, boys? He asked them as politely as he could.-We are working, sir. They answered. We want to go on an expedition in the “Faroe Island”, it seems to be something important down there. We think is something like a treasure that all adventurous people are coming around…-Would you mind if I come with you? I would like to discover something new…And plus that I’m an archaeologist, and u may need one…-Don’t worry sir; you’ll sleep in my cabin while we get there. Said one of the three men. You’ll just have to come back tomorrow at 7:00 a.m.-Good then, I’ll be there.And so he went to work... He was a bit late for the morning meeting with his Boss.When he arrived at home he started to pack up his clothes in a small bag. At dinner he told his wife what it is all about and then they just ate and went to sleep.In their family they don’t go to sleep at different times from each other, they all go at the same time. .It would be some kind of annoying to go to sleep at 7 o’clock in the evening, and to wake up at 6:00 a.m. in the morning, and of course if one goes to the bathroom in the night, all go to the bathroom…The next day Mr. Bones went out of the door without even saying good bye to his children and his wife…In their family, they won’t say good bye if you would come back later, even if “later” was after 6 years.And so he arrives at the ship with the three men, where they present themselves. -I am Mr. Rockally, and these are my friends, Zero is the younger one and this is Bill. He said pointing at each of them. And I am the captain of the “Silver Aurora”. Welcome to your new home for 4-5 weeks on the “Black Sea”. That’s how he used to call the ocean from England to the Faroe Island.-Excuse me, but I am pretty sure we we’ll meet on our way to the Faroe Island, now I just need to take care of “MY” expedition. I would like to know where my cabin is, and I’d like us to be on our way, if u don’t mind, please. Mr. Bones’s said to them, in a so superior way that they couldn’t understand a word that he was saying.They are now on their way to the Faroe Island. A stormy Sea was in their way, the blue sky turned into a grey “puffed” sky, the sea was more agitated that it was before…“It seems to be a Hurricane on its way to England” said the man. from the radio.-That’s all we need now! Said Mr. Bones.-Don’t worry, sayd Bill, we’ve been in more exiting days than this one! Once we’ve been in Atlantis, but then the biggest Tsunami ever came about and destroyed our last boat, “Mary Martindale”, it was called like that from my father, he died 2 years ago, rest in peace poor him, he died trying to save me from the fire…and before to finish his story…-Excuse me sir, but I didn’t say I am interested in such rubbish stories! Said Mr. Bones making Bill go away.-I’m sorry sir! Said Bill very upset! No one has talked to me like that ever! You could just say that u do not want to listen and I would stop anyway!-Yeah, Sure! Said Mr. Bones.Mr. Bones was a difficult person to understand, he was always with his nose up, he was always talking in scientific and less simple terms, he was always wearing something that is black, like his eyes and his dark, long hair.-I see it! Said “Zero” pointing at a small piece of ground in the middle of the ocean. It was the island really. Only that it was too far away…-Then why are we still here in this miserable place? Said Mr. Bones. We should be there by now!And so they arrived on the Faroe Island. But what? No treasure? And where are all the adventurers?-Excuse me, Mr. Rockally, but could you tell me, please, where this “treasure” is?-I’m sorry, Mr. Bones…But…answered Mr. Rockally…There is no treasure…We just ran away from…-Away from what? Sayd Mr. Bones angry about them…Why are we here then???-We are here because of the virus, we didn’t want to die…answered Bill…-Wait, what virus are u talking about?-It’s a virus that kills people…you know…in 1908 it appeared and it killed a lot of people, we just wanted to be sure we are the last people that die…-You stupid! My wife is down there! And my children! I can’t believe I got through this! I want one of u to get me back! Right now!And so they did…But when they arrived back, the city was down! Mr. Bones took a taxi to get home, but on his way, he saw that the taxi was driving by itself! It was the virus, it was a sign that it was there, and all it wanted it was him! It wanted Mr. Bones, to keep him all, because if u could understand anything from this story, is that at the very beginning, when Mr. Bones was reading, the book was from the beginning of the virus, and now it took it here, in the future, where it can controls everything once again! Mr. Bones jumped out of the car and ran away home. If u can call it that anymore..When he arrived his house was down…Full of fire and smoke, and then the rain started, and while he was crying, he felt a touch on his shoulder…He got up, and there was his “wife”, but it wasn’t really her, because as u should know, she is dead…the virus killed everybody from the London to Liverpool and then to Scotland. Everything was ruined!And there u are, in the darkness. At least u had a good life…But there is beautiful white light from the sky…Could it really be the end? Could Mr. Bones really die from such a simple touch on his shoulder?NO! Why? Because he is the main character in this story so he can’t die so fast and that’s it… But the virus tried. And as u know…If someone can’t die at the most powerful_awful_darkness_virus ever, then he dies for sure(I mean this for the virus not for Mr. Bones…) and there he goes. The rain stopped, The fire stopped too, but only the smoke was still there…No one to hear, No one to Listen, no one to see, only dead people on the street…but can someone stay in a city where no one was living in it any more? NO! And how I said the main character don’t die before winning, but he dies after…He went to the bridge, where no one was there to tell him to stop, and as it goes the title, he is now “To Close To The Light”.The End

The adventures of Mr. Bones

The adventures of Mr. Bones

“Meet Doctor Bones, he is a very good doctor and a very rich man as well. He is working for us right now, but he said he doesn’t mind to work for your hospital as well…” said Claire, the boss from Lockery Hospital for kids…”And he is also good to make kids quiet and to make them feel good…”“Well nice to meet you Doctor Bones.” said Winston, the boss of the Wheelbarrow Hospital. “I am very pleased to meet someone like you... ““Nice to meet you to, Ms. Winston.” Said Doctor Bones, with a smile on his face, even if he was so bore of meeting new people, and ready to go back to work…”Now, if you excuse me, I really have to go back to work, Monika, a little girl, needs to take her medicine…”And so he went to Monika, but some how she was not in her bed, where she was supposed to be, then, a new doctor came in, and he told to Doctor Bones that he is fired for giving the little girl, the wrong medicine…Monika was supposed to take Nurofen and Taschomickin every 3 hours…But doctor Bones gave her Tuckomichin and Nitrogenia, which would make her bones stronger…But she didn’t had problems with her bones, she had problems with her stomach…“Where is she now?” asked Doctor Bones…“She is dead. All because of you! You gave her the medicine for bones, not for stomach, and her bones had been made so hard to move so she died!” said Doctor Mirowisch…”And that’s why after u went to see the boss, she went off…And till u came here, I told Ms. Claire what you have done, and she fired you! Well, I guess your office will be mine now! Ha! And go and take your old things and those silly pictures with you1 I’ll need more space in there!”And so Doctor Bones came now with the simple name of Mr. Bones…“Where are you going?” said Ms. Winston, surprised of his big mistake, but also she had a cheeky smile on her face…“Oh! Sorry Ms Winston, I am going home now, I go fired…My work is ruined because of a little girl!” answered Mr. Bones…“I want you to come to have dinner with me! I want to tell you something very important! I need you to come at 7:00 tomorrow. Understood?!” she said, like she was furious…“Oh…O.K.!” said Mr. Bones…And so he went home.His house was so big and so spacious that sometimes he wake up that he is lost in his proper house.He looked in the mirror, and he started to ask himself if it could be any worse…Fired from where he worked 4 years in a road …Going to have dinner with a woman that he didn’t even know…Talking to himself…True, he had no family to talk to; he had no friends, no neighborhoods, no nothing…Only him with his lonely house, and his mind…Then, the next day, before to get to have dinner with Ms. Winston, he took a hot shower, but then he heard something…Somebody was in the house…He went through the bedroom and he out his glasses on. He saw a little girl, who looked like Monika, only dirtier and more upset. She had a sad face, which quickly turned into a cheeky smile. Her hair used to be light brown, but now it was grey, with a big red bug in it, stocked, dead. Mr. Bones looked carefully. He said it, may be a funny joke from the kids…The problem was, there were no kids, because he had no neighborhoods around his house…“What do you want from me?!” Mr. Bones said, scared.She pointed at the window; then Mr. Bones looked through it. Outside it was a beautiful car. A black one; and there was Ms. Winston too.When Mr. Bones turned around, Monika disappeared. He got dressed and he went through the door, and then he woke up face to face to Ms. Winston.“Hallo, Mr. Bones.” She said. “How do you do?”“I am very fine, thank you, Ms. Winston; and what about you?” he said; watching at his window, where he saw Monika looking at them with a big smile.And so they went to a famous restaurant, Da Vinci ET Da Abrolde. “I wanted to talk to you, Mr. Bones, about your job, and about that little girl, Monika…” said Ms. Winston…”I was the one who gived her those medicines, she said she wanted to go away from the hospital…She said she wanted to stay with you…She said…”and she took a sip from her cup of tea…”She said she wants to help you…”“But I got fired! Is that how she wants to help me? No, I don’t thing so…You shouldn’t give her those! She was supposed to take them only a week longer, and them she would go home with her family…” said Mr. Bones, surprised of what he heard…“She wants to pay you for taking care of her…That’s all…And her family…She doesn’t have a family anymore…They sent her here…To keep her away from them...They are now in New Mexico...They leaved her! Don’t you understand?”“I do understand...But how come u can’t see her? You are looking right through her! She is right here”He was right...Monika was there; looking at them with that big, cheeky smile...But now she was exactly like she was alive, clean, with a red, beautiful dress, and her hair was tide up with a big ribbon...She was like she planned all that...After they finished...Ms. Winston asked Mr. Bones if she could stay at him for a few days...She said she wants to move on...But then...Mr. Bones asked her something more important...“Ms. Winston...Look...I know is the first time that we met, but I already know I have a friend... “He said that with a smile on his face...” I would be pleased for you to stay at me...”“Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Bones!”“Just don’t worry about anything...”And when Mr. Bones came home, with his new friend, he showed Ms. Winston the house, and then they both went to sleep.Ms. Winston knew what she was doing...She just wanted to be sure that he doesn’t run away from the little village they lived in, because, she said to herself, and to Monika as well, that nobody leave the village, and does left behind a woman with a plan of what she calls “love”...Her room at Mr. Bones’s house was small...She had a single bed, a lamp, a small bath with a shower...The walls were red painted with pink flowers and blue butterflies, but some how...The next day Mr. Bones discovered the room’s wall painted in dark red, with sunset red flowers and dark blue butterflies...“How did you do that?” he asked...dropping the plate with the breakfast for Ms. Winston...”I remember very clear that this room was red with pink flowers and blue butterflies! It’s a girl’s room! It was my mum’s room! And look what you’re done!”“I’m sorry Mr. Bones, but I really don’t know what you are talking about” she answered...” Here, let me help you with that plate, it seems like you had a nightmare...”“Oh, thank you very much, but that doesn’t change anything, and I thing you know that, don’t you?”“Oh I know, but that doesn’t mean anything to you? How did I done it like this, I mean so fast, do you have an idea of what is going on in your house?! Look at the other rooms and you’ll see!”The others rooms in the house were all blue and red...But how did they made like that? Well nothing is new for Mr. Bones...He knew what paranormal means, and he knew that it was in his house...But what kind of ghost would paint the walls, with out hurting anyone ?“I don’t care about this” he said, trying to show his independence...”I had to paint the walls; anyway...I’m not surprised of anything these days...”“What ever! Do what you wan! I don’t care! It’s your house anyway!”“Good!”And they went in different directions, very angry on each other...And Monika stood there, between them, looking sad, and then an angry face came on her face...And her hair transformed like she just woke up from a nightmare, Her dress turned in black, she didn’t had a wonderful ribbon anymore...It wasn’t Monika anymore...It was her sister that died 3 years ago...She came back for Monika, to learn her how to take care of people that she didn’t liked...But Monika didn’t wanted to take care of them, not in that sense...Only in a good sense, for her friends...Monika was still there, behind her sister, Miranda...Monika was still upset, but not so much...Miranda had always been the oldest one, the angriest one, even when she was...alive...she didn’t liked for someone else to make her sister upset...The next day was awful...Ms. Winston and Mr. Bones were still upset on each other, so they didn’t talk to each other...But Ms. Winston wanted to make him love her...So when Mr. Bones went out to can find another job, Ms. Winston went through the kitchen and she made a pie, a big, fat chicken and a delicious soup...Then she went in each room and she cleaned everything...And everything was sparkling...Then, when Mr. Bones came home, Ms. Winston was waiting for him, to cam tell him what she really feels...But, when Mr. Bones came through the door, a woman was with him...“Ms. Winston! Guess who I met today, Bo, my darling friend...I met her when I was a little boy, when my mum went in her first expedition...I was crying about the feeling hat I would loose her, but then Bo came to me and she made me feel much better!” he said with a big smile on his face, like he had forgotten everything from the other day..“Oh, I see.” said Ms. Winston with a smile on her face, even if she was so angry that she could explode...”Well nice to meet you, Ms. Bo.” Bo knew something was wrong, but she didn’t bother to do anything about it...she was a medium, so she used to see, hear, and feel strange things...“Nice to meet you to, Ms. Winston!” She said politely. “And how do you do?”“Well I’m very well; thank you...and what about you, Bo?”“Oh, please call me Bo, I mean just Bo. I am very good, thank you for asking...I’m sorry if I bothered with something...”“Don’t worry about it!” she shouted so loud with out even knowing what she was saying and all because Mr. Bones broke her hart in such a “stupid” mode.She went to her room, and she started to pack. So angry that she throws everything so hard, that Mr. Bones came to see her, to talk to her, and to ask her what just happened...“I am so sorry about that!” she said...starting easily to cry...”I don’t know what I was thinking of...I think I must go...I think is better for you...”“What are you talking about? I don’t want you to leave...” he sit down on the bed, next to her and he put her arm over her can hug her...”I am good with you! And sure, it is a bit crazy with you in here, but I like it...I like the way you scream at me...That’s why I made you upset...And yesterday, I wasn’t sure what happened, but I knew it was because of you, and I really liked that...for sure.”“Really?” she said, closing her eyes and putting her head on his shoulder...“Then I guess I have to stay some more...”“Wait...why did you come here, anyway? You have your own house...”“Is not that...My sister owns that house...and she told me I have to find somewhere else where to I came at you...A gentlemen with style.”“Oh, I see...then I guess everything is alright, right?”“Right! Good night.”“Good night, Ms. Winston.”And so she went to bed...But Miranda wasn’t happy...She wasn’t happy at all...She hated love...She hated it all!“Mir...Mira...Miranda...” called Monika, tired of that all hate...”What...What are ...What are you...What are you doing?”“What do you thing I’m doing? I’m making her to get rid of “her boyfriend”...”Bo stood there for a night...With Mr. Bones...Miranda was talking about her...She was waking her up, to can get rid of her, then her body would get rid of him...then he would get rid of Ms. Winston...“I don’t thing is a good idea...I don’t want them to die...May be only Bo...I want Mr. Bones and Ms. Winston to get together...Not to kill each other!”“Ptui! What are you thinking? They hate each other, you silly! Now I see why mum got rid of you like that! Your head is as empty as a flower pot!”“What are you talking about? Mum would never do such a thing like that! She loved us! Dad was the one who hated us! He killed you when you were eight! Mum loved us! I saw all! She tried to protect you!”“No you stupid! Can’t you understand? She tried to protect you! Then dad killed me! Then they sent you at that hospital when you were nine, to can get rid of you! You didn’t have anything wrong till they made you look bad! Then they lived you there! See? You don’t know anything! I was there everyday...With you...”She turned around at Monika...”I was there for you! But you never saw me! The child next to your bed...When Mr. Bones came to give your medicine...It was me! I’ve always been there for you! Only that I didn’t want you to see me...You would be too scared...”“Miranda...I...I knew you were there...I always knew...That’s why I talked to you so nice! I knew you were there for me! Every night I did dream you! Every day I was thinking about you! ...But please... Don’t hurt them...They are my friends...Mr. Bones tried to help me...And Ms. Winston as well...”Miranda said nothing...They both heard nothing...But the wind in the window...then they disappeared...The next day...“Ah, good morning Bo...”said Ms. Winston with a big smile on her face...“Good morning to you too, Ms. Winston. If you have a good morning...Let me ask you something...Please...”“Anything. Just ask...”“Last night I heard some voices in my bedroom...When I woke up, there was no one in there...But then I saw the window closing by itself...and I saw two girls...They were talking to each other...But I could see through can this be possible? Is this some kind of joke?”“Oh dear... Bo...They were real ghosts... But I thought there was just Monika...I guess I was wrong...May be Mr. Bones got another friend...”“What? What do you mean by “ghosts”?”Ms. Winston did say anything...she just put the breakfast on the table and she started to eat...“Ms. Winston! I need an answer! Please!”She still didn’t say anything but she eventually didn’t know what to say...“Ok. Then! I’ll find the answer by myself!”And she went to her room, and wait for the G.G. (Ghosts Girls) to come out...She didn’t even said “hi” to Mr. Bones...She just stood in her be sure that she doesn’t miss anything...Bo’s real name was Boleyn, but she didn’t like it because it was the name of Anne Boleyn, the single person in the world that she didn’t liked...She was actually her great grand child...But she still hated it...She had a short, curly, dark hair; she had blue eyes; she wasn’t too fat, or too skin...she was perfect...But her mind wasn’t so perfect...She wanted to be the best...But she was mad on anything... And really? Why always the bad guys look good? May be they want to be...but she didn’t...she wanted to be more than good...she wanted to know everything...“This is a waste of time!” said Ms. Winston with a cheeky smile on her face...”Come on! We are going out for a walk... Come and get some fresh air with us...”“I don’t want to, ok? If you will go out I’ll be alone here, and I’ll see the ghosts! And I’ll prove it to you!”“Oh dear...I don’t get what that men sees in you! Really! You are just thinking about you!”“Wait! Me and Mr. Bones? Are you kidding? We are NOT together!”“You are not?”“Of course not! What were you thinking? He loves you! I’m nothing but rubbish for him...”She had a plan...To make Ms. Winston to go leave her alone...but to break her hart, to make her to thing that Bo is sad... (But she wasn’t)“Oh, don’t say that! He loves both of us! I am taking care of him, and you are a good friend for him...You know...first, when I saw you, I thought you were his girl friend...but now I see that I was wrong...i thing he loves both of us, not only because we are two beautiful women, but because we are ourselves.”“Oh, thank you...oh you can go with him...Go on...Have fun...”“Thank you too...Good Bye!”“Good Bye!”And so Ms. Winston went out of the door With Mr. Bones...When they arrived at their favorite restaurant...“Ms. Winston...” said Mr. Bones...”Would...Would you...” and he put his hand in his pocket, to can get something out...And then when he took what he needed out...he put it in front of Ms. Winston. “Would you marry me?”He said, opening a small box...There was a beautiful ring in it...“Oh My God! Of course I do! I DO want to marry you!”And when they came home to tell Bo the good news...The was in her room...Dead...“I thing is because the non food day she had...A girl like her should eat...”said Ms. Winston...“But...I...I don’t understand...How? And Why?”These are the main questions...And...The answers...1. How?Well, the ghost didn’t have what to do with that...They were now in peace...But how? Lets thing about this...IT’S A MISTERY!!!2. Why?May be because of her passion for dead...she is now...dead...But it’s all a mystery... The funny part is that no on care about it...

Povestile Alexei-Alexa s stories

Alexa,copilul meu care implineste 13 ani in mai 2010,pe 23 ,scrie povesti!Copila mea care pana acum un an abia avea curaj sa deschida gura s-a schimbat,a inflorit si scrie povesti .Povesti in limba engleza,povesti horror ! Vreau sa stie cat sunt de mandra ca e copilul meu!

Alexa,my child ,who ll turn 13 in may2010,on 23 ,is writting stories !My child who an year ago hardly could speak because she was too shy blossomed and is writting stories .Stories in English ,horror stories !I want her to know how proud i am that she s my child !